Kamis, 18 Desember 2008

Kenangan SMU

Dulu waktu kecil, aku punya teman ya bisa di bilang tambun semua, yang pertama Arif badannya besar pendek kalau berjalan susah banget dan yang satu lagi Febri dia sama tambun tapi yang ini agak tinggi. masing-masing teman ku ini punya cerita. Pertama arif dia tetangga belakang rumah dia orangnya rame, lucu dan agak jayus sedikit kalau berangkat sekolah selalu barang dan kebetulan waktu itu kelas satu empat aku sekelas dengan dia. Dia lumayan pinter kalau ulangan sedikitnya 6,5 di tangan pernah sih dapat nilai jelek juga ya di bawah nilai minim kita selalu berbagi kalau ulangan kalau dia tidak bisa aku kasih tahu, tahu jawaban aku bener apa tidak, pokoknya aku kasih tahu dia seneng juga ko. begitu sebaliknya pokoknya yang penting kita terbebas dari ulangan dan selesai. hari terus berlalu dari waktu ke waktu. pas waktu itu kalau tidak salah hari rabu. waktu itu hujan deres dari jam 7 pagi sampai 12 15 ya pas aku mau pulang. jam pulang tiba aku cepet-cepet keluar dari ruangan kelas yang sumpek. aku bareng arif dengan santai aku berjalan dengan dia dia berada di samping kiri ku dan kebetulan kita kalu berjalan selalu sebelah kiri dan biasanya sebelah kiri itu ada saluran pembuangan air atau kata lainnya selokan, dan dia berjalan di pinggir selokan. kira 100 meter dan aku jalannya agak cepet jadi dia di belakang aku. tiba-tiba terdengar suara kaya nangka jatuh, bukk!! aku nengok ke samping tidak ada pohon nangka terus ada suara ketawa anak-anak yang melihatnya, aku lihat ke belakang ternyata temanku arif lagi ngejengkang terpeleset masuk got tak sadar juga aku langsung ketawa terbahak-bahak, tak henti-hentinya aku tertawa sampai perutku sakit, sambil menahan ketawa aku bantu dia untuk bangit dari got bajunya basah dan yang paling basah celananya untung tidak cidera hanya basah aja bajunya. sepenjang perjalalan pulang jika aku mengingat ke jadian itu tak sadar aku tertawa sendiri, sehingga si arif itu nanya ke aku "lo ngapain sih dari tadi ketawa terus apa yang lucu? dia tanya ke aku gitu terus aku jawab" tidak ko!!, tdk apa-apa. sesampainya dirumah aku berfikir jahat juga aku teman sendiri jatuh malah di tertawakan bukan ikut perhatin tapi mau bagai mana lagi coaba banyangkan badannya gendut terus jatuh. walaupun tidak ada niat untuk tertawa kalau melihat kejadian saat itu spontan tertawanya. saat kejadaian itu dia tidak pernah lagi berjalan di pinggir selokan takut jatuh lagi katanya. sampai sekarang pun kejadian itu masih aku ingat sebagai kenangan waktu smu dulu ama temanku itu.

Rabu, 17 Desember 2008

Senin, 15 Desember 2008



A. Types of Wounds
a. Nama
I. Description
1. Avulsion
In an avulsion, a portion of skin is torn. This can be partial, with a portion of skin remaining as a "flap." In a
total avulsion, a body part is completely torn off.
2. Bruise
Bleeding that occurs under the skin causes discoloration, swelling. The area begins as red but may turn into a
"black and blue mark."
3. Cut
A cut is a split in the skin caused by a sharp object, such as a knife, or even a dull object. A cut can have either a
jagged or smooth edge.
4. puncture
A puncture wound is caused when the skin is pierced by a sharp object. Included in this category are gunshot
wounds, impaled objects, and an object that passes totally through a part of the body.
5. scrape
A scrape is very common, and occurs when skin is rubbed or scraped away.

b. Caring for a Minor Open Wound
After a long day of being cooped up in a stuffy classroom listening to your teachers ramble on about the rise of the
Communist party and the conjugations of the verb "estar," you decide that you're in the mood for a quick game of
roller hockey with some equally stir-crazy friends. As you swoop in to fire a slap shot at the goal, the unthinkable
happens: you hit a rock. And not just a pebble; this is a big, trip-you-up rock that you didn't see because your eyes
were locked on that ball. So, before you know it, you've slid about five feet on your poor, unprotected knees. Your
first thought is, "Did I make the shot?" Your second thought comes quickly with the hot sting as you look down and
see the red streaks of blood appear where your skin once was. "OW!!!" What do you do?

Remember: With any open wound, the proper precautions against disease transmission MUST be taken!!! Wear
latex or other safety gloves and avoid direct contact with bodily fluids.

* Stop the bleeding by applying pressure with a clean, absorbant cloth, or if
cloth is unavailalble, your fingers.
* If the blood soaks through, apply a second bandage on top. Do not take off the first bandage because it will disturb
the clotting that has already taken place.
* If bleeding still doesn't stop, raise the wound above heart level.
* Once bleeding stops, clean the wound gently with soap and water, or just water. It is very important to get all debris
or dirt out.
* Apply an antibiotic ointment such as bacitration or a triple antibiotic ointment. Remember, some people are
allergic to these ointments, so contact your doctor if you have any doubts.
* Wrap the wound firmly in a cloth or a bandage. Do not cut off circulation!

c. Caring for a Major Open Wound
d That Sunday remains the most vivid day in Cynthia's memory. She was cutting the bagels that John brought home,
as she did every Sunday, when the knife slipped....The wash of bright, red blood was sudden and frightening.
Thankfully, she and John knew exactly what to do???

* Covering the wound with a clean dressing, press against it firmly with your hand.
* Elevate the wound above the level of the heart.
* The clean dressing should then be covered over with a roll bandage (like an Ace) to hold the dressings in place.
* If bleeding still does not stop, add additional dressings over the roll bandage.
* Squeeze a pressure point, the artery against the bone. This is in the bottom upper arm, or where the leg bends at
the hip.
* Once the bandages and pressure point are being maintained, have someone call EMS if they have not already.

B. Special Problems

I. When part of the body has been torn off...
* Try to find the part
* Wrap it in a clean dressing and place in a plasctic bag.
* Put the bag on ice, but don't freeze.
* Take the part to the hospital.

II. When an object is impaled in a wound...
* Do not remove it. You could reveal an open artery which would then be awfully hard
to deal with, a.k.a. nearly impossible.
* Bandage many dressings around the object to immobilize it and support it in its
position in the wound.

  • Splinters...
* A small splinter in the skin should be removed with tweezers.
* For a splinter in the eye, seek emergency help immediately, do not touch it.

  • Nosebleeds...
* Have the victim sit with his or her head tilted a little bit foward while
pinching his or her nostrils together.
* One could also place an ice pack on the bridge of the nose.
  • Injury to the mouth...
* If the injury does not involve the head, neck, or spine, have the victim sit with the head slightly tilted foward. If the
victim is unable to reach this position, place the victim on his or her side. This ensures that blood drains from the
* If the injury has broken the lip, place a clean rolled dressing between the lip and gum. Applying cold can also help.
  • If a tooth is knocked out...
* Place a small roll of sterile gauze in the gap left by the tooth that was knocked out.
* Pick up the tooth not by the root, but by the crown, the part you see when you smile in the mirror. If you can, place the
tooth back how it belongs in the socket.
* If you can't put the tooth back in, put the tooth in a container with cool, fresh milk. If this cannot be done, use water.

The most important things to remember are the signs of major damage:
  • Call EMS If the bleeding is bright red, or spurts from the wound, CALL EMS.
  • If the wound is very deep or large, CALL EMS.
  • If the victim is in severe pain or you suspect serious damage, CALL EMS.
  • Call the DoctorIf you can't wash all the debris out of the wound, call your doctor immediately.
  • If you think you may need stitches (if the wound is in a place where you would want to minimize scarring) call your doctor immediately.
  • If you see any of the signs of a serious infection - redness, soreness, swelling, red streaks, weeping of pus, or redness that extends more than a finger width beyond a cut - call your doctor immediately.

Jumat, 12 Desember 2008

Pertentangan batin

Pada tanggal 30 april 2007 jam 15 :00 hari itu adalah hari dimana perjalan hidup sesungguhnya di mulai, hari itu aku di nyatakan lulus oleh suatu lembaga yang mengurus soal tenaga kerja keluar negri untuk bekerja di kuwait, 1 bulan aku munggu dengan penuh resah lulus gak yah....setiap hari perasaan aku setiap hari. akhirnya berita itu datang juga, senang dan cemas itulah perasaan aku, dan itu lah pertentangan batin yang besar. karena di tempatku bekerja saat itu aku sudah didaftarkan sebagai calon PNS. Tes demi tes aku jalani dengan sabar dan was-was, aku berharap aku berangkat 5 tahun atau 7 tahun lagi karena aku munggu kepastian untuk PNS. hari demi hari berganti bulan demi bulan bergulir akhirnya datang juga di mana aku harus memutuskan berangkat atau tidak. uh... susahnya untuk memutuskan masalah yang satu ini. akhirnya aku putuskan untuk berangkat dengan semuanya aku serahkan kepada Allah. dengan mengucapkan bismillah aku melangkahkan kaki ku untuk negara minyak ini.